Employability Attributes
The employability attributes provided below as Profile Elements are essential in every work environment throughout one’s career. Discuss and review with the student as each should be viewed as the foundation upon which specific workplace and career ready skills are aligned with the Profile of the SC Graduate.
Each will be the basic expectation for the work-based learning experience and will serve as the criteria of measure for the mid and final employer evaluation tool.
* Two evaluation reviews over the course of the semeseter are required to capture growth--Be objective!
This is the first of two and should be completed at the approximate midpoint of the student's internship.
KEY: Evaluation Score
1 = Performance Improvement Needed: Needs to have a strategy to improve this skill
2 = Developing: Developing this skill; learning to address challenges related to this skill; aware of next steps
3 = Competent: Demonstrates this skill; aware of the importance of this skill
4 = Proficient: Consistently demonstrates this skill; shows initiative to learn about, enhance or apply this skill
5 = Advanced: Exceeds expectations; works with high level of independence, acts as a role model, or shows initiative to apply and extend this skill