My child attends Please Select Castle Heights Middle School Dutchman Creek Middle School Rawlinson Road Middle School Saluda Trail Middle School W.C. Sullivan Middle School Raven Aspire * My child is in the Please Select 6th 7th 8th Aspire (9-12) * grade.I request for my child, First Name* Last Name* , to bring home his/her school issued laptop for the purpose of Please Select Prolonged illness Time to complete project, essay, etc Absences from school * for the time frame of Date* through Date* (not to exceed 5 consecutive school days) .*I understand that the parent/student is responsible for the care of the laptop, charger, and case, including physical mishandling and accessing unauthorized sites. I may incur financial penalties if the laptop is intentionally damaged under my care.Technology Charges:Damaged Keyboard $85Damaged Touchscreen $85Case $18Charger $40Replacement (Price may Vary) *It is the responsibility of the parent and student that the laptop is brought to school each day although the student has permission to the laptop home.*Timeframe should not extend five consecutive school days. A new request should be completed if further time is desired. Parent First Name* Last Name* Parent Email Email* Parent Phone Number Area Code* Phone Number*